Noble Vision Movie

Noble Vision

The Movie

Passion, medicine, and politics collide in this romantic medical thriller, winner of over 2 dozen film-festival awards and based on the award-winning, Amazon best-selling novel “Noble Vision.”

Release Date: Fall 2024

Beautiful dancer Nicole Hudson is blinded in a tragic accident, and young neurosurgeon David Lang is determined to help her. Nicole’s only hope is Dr. Lang’s breakthrough procedure to repair damaged nerves. The treatment, however, does not have the required approval of the state’s health system, CareFree, which is plagued by cost overruns and the governor’s politically motivated priorities. The doctor must take on the entire system to fight for his work, his ideals, and the woman who is capturing more than his medical interest.

See our Internet Movie Database (IMDb) page for the complete listing of cast and crew, frame shots from the film, and our latest awards.


Produced by Winged Victory Foundation

Hear the music from “Noble Vision,” composed by David Lips:

Nuns' Hymn

(vocalists: Andrea Frez, Madeline Frez, Clair Huntzinger)

All music: Copyright © 2024 by David Lips.

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