Our Mission

We’re passionate about two things: storytelling and liberty. Our mission is to contribute to the great struggle of our time to preserve liberty and pass it on to future generations—and to do so through the magic of storytelling.

About Us

We’re a nonprofit organization dedicated to influencing the culture with the ideas of liberty. Our goal is to spread these ideas through the literary and performing arts in order to entertain, inspire, and enlighten students and communities.

We champion the cause of liberty through novels, short stories, plays, and narrative films that portray heroic struggles for individualism and freedom. These stories dramatize the human need for liberty and celebrate a person’s right to choose, speak, and act freely.

What we offer


Educational Programs

We provide educators with important lessons on liberty for student reading programs and civics classes.

Community Theatre Grants

We provide the play scripts, pay all or most of the licensing fees, and give grants to help with production and marketing costs for performing our featured plays.

Community Activities

On Independence Day, Constitution Week, and other occasions, we honor the founding principles of America. We speak to groups on the role of liberty-themed storytelling, and we distribute our free educational materials at conferences, festivals, schools, and meetings. 

Our Mission

Our Founder’s Story

Latest Projects


Our 2024 Feature Movie: "Noble Vision"

Passion, medicine, and politics collide in this romantic thriller. The arduous process of getting a new medical procedure approved by a bureaucracy plays havoc in the lives of a young neurosurgeon with a revolutionary cure for nerve injury and a beautiful ballerina who needs the treatment as her only hope. “Noble Vision” delves deeply into the controversies in our current healthcare system and the dangers it poses to our personal liberty.

Adapted from the novel NOBLE VISION, winner of five literary awards and an Amazon best-seller.


Our Filmed Stage Play "Just the Truth"

A newswoman battles powerful political adversaries to solve a murder and to keep journalism, a free press—and truth—alive.

This political thriller and murder mystery is the official selection and award winner in multiple film festivals.


Premier of Just the Truth

Our first play, Just the Truth, premiered to cheering audiences.

On the Roster


Our Science Fiction Movie "Fugitive from Asteron"

In this exotic, romantic thriller, a young man’s wild adventure spanning two planets shows us the stark contrast between a tyrannical world and a free one, and we learn what makes human existence, fulfillment, and happiness possible.


Our Movie Version of "Just the Truth"

A newswoman battles powerful political adversaries to solve a murder and to keep journalism, a free press—and truth—alive.

Our filmed stage play of this political thriller and murder mystery is the official selection and award winner in multiple film festivals. We are planning a fully cinematic movie version for a broad entertainment audience to highlight the urgent issues portrayed in “Just the Truth.”

Community Activities


CarmelFest (Independence Day Festival)

We’ve hosted a unique Be a Signer booth at our city’s Independence Day celebration, called CarmelFest. Using words closely matching the actual text, we invited festival goers to sign our poster of the Declaration of Independence. We filled dozens of these posters with hundreds of signatures. Be a Signer reminds everyone of the true meaning of Independence Day.

Our booth has been constantly busy with hundreds of liberty-loving visitors stopping by to add their signature and take a picture with our own Thomas Jefferson. Flocks of children had a chance to reflect on America’s founding document, as well as the free pocket Constitution they received, along with our signature bookmarks with powerful quotes on liberty from classical thinkers. The kids also picked their favorite from our variety of liberty tattoos, which proved quite popular with them—and the adults!

We’re proud to create this new tradition. Be a Signer brings children and adults a better appreciation of the Declaration of Independence and our cherished freedoms.


Constitution Week

For Constitution Week, we contacted principals, teachers, and other educators with our popular Teacher’s Kits, filled with materials to present to their students, as well as to adults taking classes on the Constitution. We helped people understand and appreciate liberty! 

We also hold a Meet James Madison event.

Get Involved


Read exciting novels and plays that teach you lifelong lessons about liberty and help you strive for a successful future. Earn extra credit as you participate in fun-filled programs. 

Educators and Parents

Incorporate our educational programs in your classroom and community activities to bring liberty to life!


Contribute your time to a brighter future of free, productive, successful, liberty-loving individuals who work together in harmony and peace.


Be a sponsor of our educational and theatre programs and our historical and patriotic activities. Help us to instill pride in our American heritage.

Community Theatres

Perform a riveting drama with urgent issues and thematic depth.

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Sign up today to receive the latest on our upcoming contests, events, educational programs, and community activities.



By donating to the Winged Victory Foundation, you allow us to continue our film productions, educational programs, theatre grants, and more.

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